Wednesday 3 August 2011

Annnnnnnd we're back!

So yes. That was quite a long time to be "away"... Alot of things have happened since my last blog! But no excuses noww. I'll be posting some looks again soon.

I thought I'd get back on the wagon with a few discoveries of mine over the pas month :)

First off: a website that sells exclusively vegan AND fruit pigmented makeup that used NO fillers or additives called . I haven't been able to order from them yet, since I'm not in Canada at the moment but it's definitely on my list of things to do once I get back. It's been recommended and being used by the founder of, a forum site that I am a member of.

Next on the list is something that I've been using for quite a while, pure cold pressed organic coconut oil. I've never used anything that works better on dry skin, chapped lips and dry hair. It's a cheap much more useful and healthy alternative to conventional products that are filled with chemicals and toxins. One other thing that I use occasionally is organic cold pressed argan oil that also works wonders on skin and hair, it's also usually much more expensive than coconut oil and is more of a once in a while treatment type of product than a daily use one. And hey, if you don't have access to either of those, avocado and papaya work wonders on skin and hair as well, just a tad bit more messy, but a ton of fun to do!

I've discovered that the less products you use, and the closer that the ones that you do use are to nature the more balanced and happy your skin becomes. The push for all these creams and elixirs containing extract of this and that is ridiculous, why not use the source, pure and nourishing instead of its pale imitation that has been manipulated beyond recognition?