Sunday 20 April 2014

Alice In Wonderland Series: Cheshire Cat

It's been far too long.

I got caught up in wanting to make videos and lost it all along the way. I've decided to get back to what worked. This means more fun and pictures and less worrying about lighting and video quality!

I've also been playing with editing alot more. SO some of these are, but most are raw.

Edited with effects only.


Wednesday 12 February 2014

Katniss: Girl On Fire

I am obsessed with The Hunger Games. I read all three books in about as many days.

I usually don't like the movies as much as the books, but when there is awesome makeup involved, they've got me hooked.

This is the red look Katniss is wearing at the end of their tour in the second movie.

(I also filmed a video, just have to figure out a few things before it gets posted)

Thursday 22 August 2013

Marilyn Manson: mOBSCENE Pin-up Zombie

This is what I love to do.

Pretty girls with gore just tickle my muse. To me, it's just the perfect combination!

I filmed a video for this look, so this is just a sneak peek of pictures to tease you with.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

FacePaint Videos: Mysterious Tiger

A quick and easy tutorial on how to paint a tiger full face using professional face paints!


Monday 4 February 2013

Beautiful Butterflies: A Face-paint transformation!

After some difficulties with accessing my YouTube channel, I finally have it back up and running!

I recorded this video a little while ago and it's definitely one of my favorite designs to do at kids parties, festivals and events. The way the clients eyes light up, regardless of age, when they see themselves in the mirror is priceless!

Butterflies are a universal beauty and there are a million different ways to paint them, this is definitely my go-to, although I do indulge in a little more detail when I have the time. But with long line ups, this one can be done in less than 2 minutes with some practice.


Friday 9 November 2012

Zombie it up!

I FINALLY made a video tutorial!

Here's a few pics:

This year for Halloween I decided to skip all the skimpy outfits and go for the gore. I mean  what other time of year do you get to cover yourself in blood and look utterly disgusting while people compliment you about it?

Monday 5 March 2012

Inspire Me: Tim Burton

Tim Burton's take on stories has always fascinated me. The twisted beauty that he creates is just breathtaking and always makes one think of a different perspective. I pulled inspiration from this for the look I did tonight. Hope you enjoy!

I think it looks very Edward Scissorhands.

Believe it or not I used a bright neon pink cream shadow for the base on my eyes. Transforming a color through adding and serious blending is a great to add versatility to your skills and makes fewer colors go a very long way. Try using a yellow with a brown, or like I did a bright pink with a black to create multi-dimensional colors that give great effects on camera. 

Also remember that when doing makeup with the intention of taking pictures, alot of it gets drowned out by the flash. In the pictures above, I used flash with only one of them, to really show more of the color. But the contouring and most of the color can be seen because I used a ton of it. Exaggerating the contouring makes it come to life, otherwise it just doesn't show up on camera!