Wednesday 28 September 2011

Halloween! So many animallllss RAWRRR

I am a self declared animal print lover. I like on my walls, on my floors, on my clothes annnnd on my face! Halloween is such a great time to let that animal within out, and why not do it looking amaaazzinnng! Of course, while were doing that, might as well do it a little unconventionally too.

The Zebra look I did just last night. The leopard look was my Halloween costume of choice last year and the giraffe was just some fun I had last year on a study break. These looks are absolutely translatable to any animal, be it bunny, cat, tigerrr, lion, whatever!

On the plus side, doing an animal costume is fun and easy, as well as low cost! Most (girls) have some piece of clothing that portrays the animal within and this paired with some awesome makeup and maybe some ears and a tail.. VOILA, instant costume! Also helps when you've got a weekend of parties and dont want to wear the same look every night :)

More Halloween looks coming soon!!

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