Tuesday 18 October 2011

Beauty Basics: How to tweeze your eyebrows to perfection.

Ok so beauty confession: I'm terrible at upkeeping my brows.
I know, it really is one of the most important beauty basics, eyebrows frame your face and groomed brows are the best start to looking great. It really transforms your look when done properly and makes one look more classy and presentable. 
So here are a few tips to get a natural looking shape that will complement your face the most!

First, start with proper tools. Tweezers come in all colors and sizes, I personally have three pairs all bought at the pharmacy, although one is designer. It doesn't really make a difference where you bought it as long as it works. The only other tool you would need is a mirror and good lighting. I would recommend a mirror that has "zoom" on it, makes it much easier. Make sure your tweezers are clean and preferably sterilized before using them. A brow brush can also come in handy.

(This is my setup)

Now the trick to getting the right shape is simple.
Using your brow brush or any pencil like object and do the following measurements:
From the side of your nostril straight up, on the inside side of the pencil is where your brow should start.
Again from the side of your nostril on an angle passing through the black part of your iris is the highest point of your arch. 
Finally from nostril to the outer corner of your eye will determine where your eyebrow should end.

I personally keep my eyebrows on the thicker side, I find that I look weird with thinner ones. This is totally up to you BUT I really recommend starting with leaving them a bit thicker because over doing it is REALLY easy and then you have to let them grow out to start over again (I've done this, not fun). Also the curvature of your arch is also up to you, following your natural shape is a good place to start, but feel free to experiment with it. 

A good tip to follow is to alternate brows as you're going through each step. This way your sure to have both of them even.

This is my eyebrow once I was done tonight. Like I said its better to do a bit at a time and then look at them again the next day to see if that's the way you want them. Mine are also really pale, so I always fill them in anyways considering my hair is brown at the moment.  I'll probably be shaping them a bit more tomorrow, With darker eyebrows its better to be more cautious as well, because overdoing it will show more!

Don't be afraid to DIY beauty routines!

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