Sunday 15 May 2011

Requested Look: A little fun with an African Cat: The Lion :)

This look was requested on April 22nd by a very special person whom I'm sure was NOT expecting me to actually go through with it :P Well here it is! This is the picture I used for inspiration:

It's great timing too because the movie African Cats came out here not too long ago and I've been dying to see it! I've alos been to a Lion Sanctuary in Africa and got to pet some baby lions, was an amazing experience that I hope to repeat! (i'll include a picture at the end)

SO this is what I came up with! A TON of contouring and highlighting was involved (and since everything looks lighter on cam and with my lighting situation at the moment it was much darker in real life so that I could get the effect I wanted on camera!)

Hope you enjoy! Next Request will be a "Pixie Fairy Angel" as requested by the Lovely Emily. :)

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